Review the memory verse of the week, and talk about how it relates to the Truth section.
Suggested Discussion
TRUTH – You can discuss any of the in Bible questions you would like to address, but give more time to the Equipping section. Here are some tips that may help:
1 Kings 11:1-13 – Solomon’s sin of intermarrying with pagan women led him to break the 1st and 2nd commandments by worshipping other God’s via the pagan idols he set up for his wives. God promised to punish these sins by taking most of the kingdom of Israel from Solomon’s descendants. Nevertheless, God showed mercy for David’s sake in that the tribe of Judah would continue to serve Solomon’s descendants.
1 Kings 12:1-20 – Rehoboam rejected the wise advice of his father’s counselors. Instead, he listened to his own rash, arrogant friends. When Israel heard Rehoboam’s arrogance, they rejected him and anointed Jeroboam King over Israel instead. Both Solomon and Rehoboam allowed themselves to be influenced by people who were not followers of God. In the words of Proverbs 13:20, they listened to fools.
Proverbs 13:20 – This proverb teaches that our choice of companions has a powerful influence in our lives, either for good or bad. It serves as a warning that we should be cautious about whom and what we choose for companions, since they will inevitably influence our lives. In the book of Proverbs, wisdom and foolishness are frequently contrasted by a strong moral component, that is, a fool disregards God’s law, while the wise man obeys it. Therefore, the influence of our companions (directly and indirectly) can have both a behavioral and moral/spiritual impact on our lives. Parents should wisely apply this principle in their decisions about which influences to allow in their children’s lives. Direct personal influences (friends, coaches, etc) and indirect influences (TV, magazines, music, etc) should either be restricted or monitored if they are found to have a potentially negative spiritual or moral impact.
EQUIPPING – Give your JG plenty of time to discuss the equipping exercise. Encourage them to share their thoughts. Be careful not to disparage anyone’s point of view, but encourage them to think biblically and to see the need to know what the Bible teaches. Some may have a tendency toward legalism, while others may be cavalier. Bring both back to a parent’s primary task and challenge them to think about how their perspective demonstrates an attractive, Godward life.
ACCOUNTABILITY – Allow time for smaller groups of 2 or 3 to ask accountability questions and pray for one another.
MISSION – Invite a few people to share their spiritual evaluation of someone they have been praying for.